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Clinical Psych Science paper in press

Nonverbal displays of shame predict relapse and worsened health, months later, among recovering alcoholics. Read the paper by Dan Randles and Jess Tracy, now in press at Clinical Psych Science. Read Huffington Post coverage here.

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In the Emotion and Self Lab at the Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia, we study the process, structure, expression, and regulation of emotions and self. Much of our research is focused on self-conscious emotions (pride, shame,…

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Red cues fertility

New research by Alec Beall and Jess Tracy shows that women are more likely to dress in red when they are at peak fertility– first evidence for an observable behavioral display that cues ovulation. Read the paper, now in press…

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Red cues fertility

New research by Alec Beall and Jess Tracy shows that women are more likely to dress in red when they are at peak fertility. Read the paper, now published at Psych Science. Read the Online Supplement here, and our follow-up now published in…

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Red cues fertility

New research by Alec Beall and Jess Tracy shows that women are more likely to dress in red when they are at peak fertility– first evidence for an observable behavioral display that cues ovulation. Read the paper, now in press…

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Red enhances women’s attractiveness to men: First evidence suggesting universality

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Women more likely to wear red or pink at peak fertility.

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Women more likely to wear red or pink at peak fertility.

See also published Online Supplement. Also click here for our briefer and longer responses to recent critiques of this article by Andrew Gelman.  

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Women more likely to wear red or pink at peak fertility.

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Red enhances women’s attractiveness to men: First evidence suggesting universality

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