/** * WordPress List utility class * * @package WordPress * @since 4.7.0 */ /** * List utility. * * Utility class to handle operations on an array of objects. * * @since 4.7.0 */ class WP_List_Util { /** * The input array. * * @since 4.7.0 * @var array */ private $input = array(); /** * The output array. * * @since 4.7.0 * @var array */ private $output = array(); /** * Temporary arguments for sorting. * * @since 4.7.0 * @var array */ private $orderby = array(); /** * Constructor. * * Sets the input array. * * @since 4.7.0 * * @param array $input Array to perform operations on. */ public function __construct( $input ) { $this->output = $input; $this->input = $input; } /** * Returns the original input array. * * @since 4.7.0 * * @return array The input array. */ public function get_input() { return $this->input; } /** * Returns the output array. * * @since 4.7.0 * * @return array The output array. */ public function get_output() { return $this->output; } /** * Filters the list, based on a set of key => value arguments. * * @since 4.7.0 * * @param array $args Optional. An array of key => value arguments to match * against each object. Default empty array. * @param string $operator Optional. The logical operation to perform. 'AND' means * all elements from the array must match. 'OR' means only * one element needs to match. 'NOT' means no elements may * match. Default 'AND'. * @return array Array of found values. */ public function filter( $args = array(), $operator = 'AND' ) { if ( empty( $args ) ) { return $this->output; } $operator = strtoupper( $operator ); if ( ! in_array( $operator, array( 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT' ), true ) ) { return array(); } $count = count( $args ); $filtered = array(); foreach ( $this->output as $key => $obj ) { $to_match = (array) $obj; $matched = 0; foreach ( $args as $m_key => $m_value ) { if ( array_key_exists( $m_key, $to_match ) && $m_value == $to_match[ $m_key ] ) { $matched++; } } if ( ( 'AND' == $operator && $matched == $count ) || ( 'OR' == $operator && $matched > 0 ) || ( 'NOT' == $operator && 0 == $matched ) ) { $filtered[ $key ] = $obj; } } $this->output = $filtered; return $this->output; } /** * Plucks a certain field out of each object in the list. * * This has the same functionality and prototype of * array_column() (PHP 5.5) but also supports objects. * * @since 4.7.0 * * @param int|string $field Field from the object to place instead of the entire object * @param int|string $index_key Optional. Field from the object to use as keys for the new array. * Default null. * @return array Array of found values. If `$index_key` is set, an array of found values with keys * corresponding to `$index_key`. If `$index_key` is null, array keys from the original * `$list` will be preserved in the results. */ public function pluck( $field, $index_key = null ) { $newlist = array(); if ( ! $index_key ) { /* * This is simple. Could at some point wrap array_column() * if we knew we had an array of arrays. */ foreach ( $this->output as $key => $value ) { if ( is_object( $value ) ) { $newlist[ $key ] = $value->$field; } else { $newlist[ $key ] = $value[ $field ]; } } $this->output = $newlist; return $this->output; } /* * When index_key is not set for a particular item, push the value * to the end of the stack. This is how array_column() behaves. */ foreach ( $this->output as $value ) { if ( is_object( $value ) ) { if ( isset( $value->$index_key ) ) { $newlist[ $value->$index_key ] = $value->$field; } else { $newlist[] = $value->$field; } } else { if ( isset( $value[ $index_key ] ) ) { $newlist[ $value[ $index_key ] ] = $value[ $field ]; } else { $newlist[] = $value[ $field ]; } } } $this->output = $newlist; return $this->output; } /** * Sorts the list, based on one or more orderby arguments. * * @since 4.7.0 * * @param string|array $orderby Optional. Either the field name to order by or an array * of multiple orderby fields as $orderby => $order. * @param string $order Optional. Either 'ASC' or 'DESC'. Only used if $orderby * is a string. * @param bool $preserve_keys Optional. Whether to preserve keys. Default false. * @return array The sorted array. */ public function sort( $orderby = array(), $order = 'ASC', $preserve_keys = false ) { if ( empty( $orderby ) ) { return $this->output; } if ( is_string( $orderby ) ) { $orderby = array( $orderby => $order ); } foreach ( $orderby as $field => $direction ) { $orderby[ $field ] = 'DESC' === strtoupper( $direction ) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; } $this->orderby = $orderby; if ( $preserve_keys ) { uasort( $this->output, array( $this, 'sort_callback' ) ); } else { usort( $this->output, array( $this, 'sort_callback' ) ); } $this->orderby = array(); return $this->output; } /** * Callback to sort the list by specific fields. * * @since 4.7.0 * * @see WP_List_Util::sort() * * @param object|array $a One object to compare. * @param object|array $b The other object to compare. * @return int 0 if both objects equal. -1 if second object should come first, 1 otherwise. */ private function sort_callback( $a, $b ) { if ( empty( $this->orderby ) ) { return 0; } $a = (array) $a; $b = (array) $b; foreach ( $this->orderby as $field => $direction ) { if ( ! isset( $a[ $field ] ) || ! isset( $b[ $field ] ) ) { continue; } if ( $a[ $field ] == $b[ $field ] ) { continue; } $results = 'DESC' === $direction ? array( 1, -1 ) : array( -1, 1 ); if ( is_numeric( $a[ $field ] ) && is_numeric( $b[ $field ] ) ) { return ( $a[ $field ] < $b[ $field ] ) ? $results[0] : $results[1]; } return 0 > strcmp( $a[ $field ], $b[ $field ] ) ? $results[0] : $results[1]; } return 0; } } /** * Meta API: WP_Meta_Query class * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Meta * @since 4.4.0 */ /** * Core class used to implement meta queries for the Meta API. * * Used for generating SQL clauses that filter a primary query according to metadata keys and values. * * WP_Meta_Query is a helper that allows primary query classes, such as WP_Query and WP_User_Query, * * to filter their results by object metadata, by generating `JOIN` and `WHERE` subclauses to be attached * to the primary SQL query string. * * @since 3.2.0 */ class WP_Meta_Query { /** * Array of metadata queries. * * See WP_Meta_Query::__construct() for information on meta query arguments. * * @since 3.2.0 * @var array */ public $queries = array(); /** * The relation between the queries. Can be one of 'AND' or 'OR'. * * @since 3.2.0 * @var string */ public $relation; /** * Database table to query for the metadata. * * @since 4.1.0 * @var string */ public $meta_table; /** * Column in meta_table that represents the ID of the object the metadata belongs to. * * @since 4.1.0 * @var string */ public $meta_id_column; /** * Database table that where the metadata's objects are stored (eg $wpdb->users). * * @since 4.1.0 * @var string */ public $primary_table; /** * Column in primary_table that represents the ID of the object. * * @since 4.1.0 * @var string */ public $primary_id_column; /** * A flat list of table aliases used in JOIN clauses. * * @since 4.1.0 * @var array */ protected $table_aliases = array(); /** * A flat list of clauses, keyed by clause 'name'. * * @since 4.2.0 * @var array */ protected $clauses = array(); /** * Whether the query contains any OR relations. * * @since 4.3.0 * @var bool */ protected $has_or_relation = false; /** * Constructor. * * @since 3.2.0 * @since 4.2.0 Introduced support for naming query clauses by associative array keys. * @since 5.1.0 Introduced $compare_key clause parameter, which enables LIKE key matches. * @since 5.3.0 Increased the number of operators available to $compare_key. Introduced $type_key, * which enables the $key to be cast to a new data type for comparisons. * * @param array $meta_query { * Array of meta query clauses. When first-order clauses or sub-clauses use strings as * their array keys, they may be referenced in the 'orderby' parameter of the parent query. * * @type string $relation Optional. The MySQL keyword used to join * the clauses of the query. Accepts 'AND', or 'OR'. Default 'AND'. * @type array { * Optional. An array of first-order clause parameters, or another fully-formed meta query. * * @type string $key Meta key to filter by. * @type string $compare_key MySQL operator used for comparing the $key. Accepts '=', '!=' * 'LIKE', 'NOT LIKE', 'IN', 'NOT IN', 'REGEXP', 'NOT REGEXP', 'RLIKE', * 'EXISTS' (alias of '=') or 'NOT EXISTS' (alias of '!='). * Default is 'IN' when `$key` is an array, '=' otherwise. * @type string $type_key MySQL data type that the meta_key column will be CAST to for * comparisons. Accepts 'BINARY' for case-sensitive regular expression * comparisons. Default is ''. * @type string $value Meta value to filter by. * @type string $compare MySQL operator used for comparing the $value. Accepts '=', * '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', 'LIKE', 'NOT LIKE', * 'IN', 'NOT IN', 'BETWEEN', 'NOT BETWEEN', 'REGEXP', * 'NOT REGEXP', 'RLIKE', 'EXISTS' or 'NOT EXISTS'. * Default is 'IN' when `$value` is an array, '=' otherwise. * @type string $type MySQL data type that the meta_value column will be CAST to for * comparisons. Accepts 'NUMERIC', 'BINARY', 'CHAR', 'DATE', * 'DATETIME', 'DECIMAL', 'SIGNED', 'TIME', or 'UNSIGNED'. * Default is 'CHAR'. * } * } */ public function __construct( $meta_query = false ) { if ( ! $meta_query ) { return; } if ( isset( $meta_query['relation'] ) && strtoupper( $meta_query['relation'] ) == 'OR' ) { $this->relation = 'OR'; } else { $this->relation = 'AND'; } $this->queries = $this->sanitize_query( $meta_query ); } /** * Ensure the 'meta_query' argument passed to the class constructor is well-formed. * * Eliminates empty items and ensures that a 'relation' is set. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param array $queries Array of query clauses. * @return array Sanitized array of query clauses. */ public function sanitize_query( $queries ) { $clean_queries = array(); if ( ! is_array( $queries ) ) { return $clean_queries; } foreach ( $queries as $key => $query ) { if ( 'relation' === $key ) { $relation = $query; } elseif ( ! is_array( $query ) ) { continue; // First-order clause. } elseif ( $this->is_first_order_clause( $query ) ) { if ( isset( $query['value'] ) && array() === $query['value'] ) { unset( $query['value'] ); } $clean_queries[ $key ] = $query; // Otherwise, it's a nested query, so we recurse. } else { $cleaned_query = $this->sanitize_query( $query ); if ( ! empty( $cleaned_query ) ) { $clean_queries[ $key ] = $cleaned_query; } } } if ( empty( $clean_queries ) ) { return $clean_queries; } // Sanitize the 'relation' key provided in the query. if ( isset( $relation ) && 'OR' === strtoupper( $relation ) ) { $clean_queries['relation'] = 'OR'; $this->has_or_relation = true; /* * If there is only a single clause, call the relation 'OR'. * This value will not actually be used to join clauses, but it * simplifies the logic around combining key-only queries. */ } elseif ( 1 === count( $clean_queries ) ) { $clean_queries['relation'] = 'OR'; // Default to AND. } else { $clean_queries['relation'] = 'AND'; } return $clean_queries; } /** * Determine whether a query clause is first-order. * * A first-order meta query clause is one that has either a 'key' or * a 'value' array key. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param array $query Meta query arguments. * @return bool Whether the query clause is a first-order clause. */ protected function is_first_order_clause( $query ) { return isset( $query['key'] ) || isset( $query['value'] ); } /** * Constructs a meta query based on 'meta_*' query vars * * @since 3.2.0 * * @param array $qv The query variables */ public function parse_query_vars( $qv ) { $meta_query = array(); /* * For orderby=meta_value to work correctly, simple query needs to be * first (so that its table join is against an unaliased meta table) and * needs to be its own clause (so it doesn't interfere with the logic of * the rest of the meta_query). */ $primary_meta_query = array(); foreach ( array( 'key', 'compare', 'type', 'compare_key', 'type_key' ) as $key ) { if ( ! empty( $qv[ "meta_$key" ] ) ) { $primary_meta_query[ $key ] = $qv[ "meta_$key" ]; } } // WP_Query sets 'meta_value' = '' by default. if ( isset( $qv['meta_value'] ) && '' !== $qv['meta_value'] && ( ! is_array( $qv['meta_value'] ) || $qv['meta_value'] ) ) { $primary_meta_query['value'] = $qv['meta_value']; } $existing_meta_query = isset( $qv['meta_query'] ) && is_array( $qv['meta_query'] ) ? $qv['meta_query'] : array(); if ( ! empty( $primary_meta_query ) && ! empty( $existing_meta_query ) ) { $meta_query = array( 'relation' => 'AND', $primary_meta_query, $existing_meta_query, ); } elseif ( ! empty( $primary_meta_query ) ) { $meta_query = array( $primary_meta_query, ); } elseif ( ! empty( $existing_meta_query ) ) { $meta_query = $existing_meta_query; } $this->__construct( $meta_query ); } /** * Return the appropriate alias for the given meta type if applicable. * * @since 3.7.0 * * @param string $type MySQL type to cast meta_value. * @return string MySQL type. */ public function get_cast_for_type( $type = '' ) { if ( empty( $type ) ) { return 'CHAR'; } $meta_type = strtoupper( $type ); if ( ! preg_match( '/^(?:BINARY|CHAR|DATE|DATETIME|SIGNED|UNSIGNED|TIME|NUMERIC(?:\(\d+(?:,\s?\d+)?\))?|DECIMAL(?:\(\d+(?:,\s?\d+)?\))?)$/', $meta_type ) ) { return 'CHAR'; } if ( 'NUMERIC' == $meta_type ) { $meta_type = 'SIGNED'; } return $meta_type; } /** * Generates SQL clauses to be appended to a main query. * * @since 3.2.0 * * @param string $type Type of meta, eg 'user', 'post'. * @param string $primary_table Database table where the object being filtered is stored (eg wp_users). * @param string $primary_id_column ID column for the filtered object in $primary_table. * @param object $context Optional. The main query object. * @return array|false { * Array containing JOIN and WHERE SQL clauses to append to the main query. * * @type string $join SQL fragment to append to the main JOIN clause. * @type string $where SQL fragment to append to the main WHERE clause. * } */ public function get_sql( $type, $primary_table, $primary_id_column, $context = null ) { $meta_table = _get_meta_table( $type ); if ( ! $meta_table ) { return false; } $this->table_aliases = array(); $this->meta_table = $meta_table; $this->meta_id_column = sanitize_key( $type . '_id' ); $this->primary_table = $primary_table; $this->primary_id_column = $primary_id_column; $sql = $this->get_sql_clauses(); /* * If any JOINs are LEFT JOINs (as in the case of NOT EXISTS), then all JOINs should * be LEFT. Otherwise posts with no metadata will be excluded from results. */ if ( false !== strpos( $sql['join'], 'LEFT JOIN' ) ) { $sql['join'] = str_replace( 'INNER JOIN', 'LEFT JOIN', $sql['join'] ); } /** * Filters the meta query's generated SQL. * * @since 3.1.0 * * @param array $sql Array containing the query's JOIN and WHERE clauses. * @param array $queries Array of meta queries. * @param string $type Type of meta. * @param string $primary_table Primary table. * @param string $primary_id_column Primary column ID. * @param object $context The main query object. */ return apply_filters_ref_array( 'get_meta_sql', array( $sql, $this->queries, $type, $primary_table, $primary_id_column, $context ) ); } /** * Generate SQL clauses to be appended to a main query. * * Called by the public WP_Meta_Query::get_sql(), this method is abstracted * out to maintain parity with the other Query classes. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @return array { * Array containing JOIN and WHERE SQL clauses to append to the main query. * * @type string $join SQL fragment to append to the main JOIN clause. * @type string $where SQL fragment to append to the main WHERE clause. * } */ protected function get_sql_clauses() { /* * $queries are passed by reference to get_sql_for_query() for recursion. * To keep $this->queries unaltered, pass a copy. */ $queries = $this->queries; $sql = $this->get_sql_for_query( $queries ); if ( ! empty( $sql['where'] ) ) { $sql['where'] = ' AND ' . $sql['where']; } return $sql; } /** * Generate SQL clauses for a single query array. * * If nested subqueries are found, this method recurses the tree to * produce the properly nested SQL. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param array $query Query to parse (passed by reference). * @param int $depth Optional. Number of tree levels deep we currently are. * Used to calculate indentation. Default 0. * @return array { * Array containing JOIN and WHERE SQL clauses to append to a single query array. * * @type string $join SQL fragment to append to the main JOIN clause. * @type string $where SQL fragment to append to the main WHERE clause. * } */ protected function get_sql_for_query( &$query, $depth = 0 ) { $sql_chunks = array( 'join' => array(), 'where' => array(), ); $sql = array( 'join' => '', 'where' => '', ); $indent = ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++ ) { $indent .= ' '; } foreach ( $query as $key => &$clause ) { if ( 'relation' === $key ) { $relation = $query['relation']; } elseif ( is_array( $clause ) ) { // This is a first-order clause. if ( $this->is_first_order_clause( $clause ) ) { $clause_sql = $this->get_sql_for_clause( $clause, $query, $key ); $where_count = count( $clause_sql['where'] ); if ( ! $where_count ) { $sql_chunks['where'][] = ''; } elseif ( 1 === $where_count ) { $sql_chunks['where'][] = $clause_sql['where'][0]; } else { $sql_chunks['where'][] = '( ' . implode( ' AND ', $clause_sql['where'] ) . ' )'; } $sql_chunks['join'] = array_merge( $sql_chunks['join'], $clause_sql['join'] ); // This is a subquery, so we recurse. } else { $clause_sql = $this->get_sql_for_query( $clause, $depth + 1 ); $sql_chunks['where'][] = $clause_sql['where']; $sql_chunks['join'][] = $clause_sql['join']; } } } // Filter to remove empties. $sql_chunks['join'] = array_filter( $sql_chunks['join'] ); $sql_chunks['where'] = array_filter( $sql_chunks['where'] ); if ( empty( $relation ) ) { $relation = 'AND'; } // Filter duplicate JOIN clauses and combine into a single string. if ( ! empty( $sql_chunks['join'] ) ) { $sql['join'] = implode( ' ', array_unique( $sql_chunks['join'] ) ); } // Generate a single WHERE clause with proper brackets and indentation. if ( ! empty( $sql_chunks['where'] ) ) { $sql['where'] = '( ' . "\n " . $indent . implode( ' ' . "\n " . $indent . $relation . ' ' . "\n " . $indent, $sql_chunks['where'] ) . "\n" . $indent . ')'; } return $sql; } /** * Generate SQL JOIN and WHERE clauses for a first-order query clause. * * "First-order" means that it's an array with a 'key' or 'value'. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. * * @param array $clause Query clause (passed by reference). * @param array $parent_query Parent query array. * @param string $clause_key Optional. The array key used to name the clause in the original `$meta_query` * parameters. If not provided, a key will be generated automatically. * @return array { * Array containing JOIN and WHERE SQL clauses to append to a first-order query. * * @type string $join SQL fragment to append to the main JOIN clause. * @type string $where SQL fragment to append to the main WHERE clause. * } */ public function get_sql_for_clause( &$clause, $parent_query, $clause_key = '' ) { global $wpdb; $sql_chunks = array( 'where' => array(), 'join' => array(), ); if ( isset( $clause['compare'] ) ) { $clause['compare'] = strtoupper( $clause['compare'] ); } else { $clause['compare'] = isset( $clause['value'] ) && is_array( $clause['value'] ) ? 'IN' : '='; } $non_numeric_operators = array( '=', '!=', 'LIKE', 'NOT LIKE', 'IN', 'NOT IN', 'EXISTS', 'NOT EXISTS', 'RLIKE', 'REGEXP', 'NOT REGEXP', ); $numeric_operators = array( '>', '>=', '<', '<=', 'BETWEEN', 'NOT BETWEEN', ); if ( ! in_array( $clause['compare'], $non_numeric_operators, true ) && ! in_array( $clause['compare'], $numeric_operators, true ) ) { $clause['compare'] = '='; } if ( isset( $clause['compare_key'] ) ) { $clause['compare_key'] = strtoupper( $clause['compare_key'] ); } else { $clause['compare_key'] = isset( $clause['key'] ) && is_array( $clause['key'] ) ? 'IN' : '='; } if ( ! in_array( $clause['compare_key'], $non_numeric_operators, true ) ) { $clause['compare_key'] = '='; } $meta_compare = $clause['compare']; $meta_compare_key = $clause['compare_key']; // First build the JOIN clause, if one is required. $join = ''; // We prefer to avoid joins if possible. Look for an existing join compatible with this clause. $alias = $this->find_compatible_table_alias( $clause, $parent_query ); if ( false === $alias ) { $i = count( $this->table_aliases ); $alias = $i ? 'mt' . $i : $this->meta_table; // JOIN clauses for NOT EXISTS have their own syntax. if ( 'NOT EXISTS' === $meta_compare ) { $join .= " LEFT JOIN $this->meta_table"; $join .= $i ? " AS $alias" : ''; if ( 'LIKE' === $meta_compare_key ) { $join .= $wpdb->prepare( " ON ($this->primary_table.$this->primary_id_column = $alias.$this->meta_id_column AND $alias.meta_key LIKE %s )", '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $clause['key'] ) . '%' ); } else { $join .= $wpdb->prepare( " ON ($this->primary_table.$this->primary_id_column = $alias.$this->meta_id_column AND $alias.meta_key = %s )", $clause['key'] ); } // All other JOIN clauses. } else { $join .= " INNER JOIN $this->meta_table"; $join .= $i ? " AS $alias" : ''; $join .= " ON ( $this->primary_table.$this->primary_id_column = $alias.$this->meta_id_column )"; } $this->table_aliases[] = $alias; $sql_chunks['join'][] = $join; } // Save the alias to this clause, for future siblings to find. $clause['alias'] = $alias; // Determine the data type. $_meta_type = isset( $clause['type'] ) ? $clause['type'] : ''; $meta_type = $this->get_cast_for_type( $_meta_type ); $clause['cast'] = $meta_type; // Fallback for clause keys is the table alias. Key must be a string. if ( is_int( $clause_key ) || ! $clause_key ) { $clause_key = $clause['alias']; } // Ensure unique clause keys, so none are overwritten. $iterator = 1; $clause_key_base = $clause_key; while ( isset( $this->clauses[ $clause_key ] ) ) { $clause_key = $clause_key_base . '-' . $iterator; $iterator++; } // Store the clause in our flat array. $this->clauses[ $clause_key ] =& $clause; // Next, build the WHERE clause. // meta_key. if ( array_key_exists( 'key', $clause ) ) { if ( 'NOT EXISTS' === $meta_compare ) { $sql_chunks['where'][] = $alias . '.' . $this->meta_id_column . ' IS NULL'; } else { /** * In joined clauses negative operators have to be nested into a * NOT EXISTS clause and flipped, to avoid returning records with * matching post IDs but different meta keys. Here we prepare the * nested clause. */ if ( in_array( $meta_compare_key, array( '!=', 'NOT IN', 'NOT LIKE', 'NOT EXISTS', 'NOT REGEXP' ), true ) ) { // Negative clauses may be reused. $i = count( $this->table_aliases ); $subquery_alias = $i ? 'mt' . $i : $this->meta_table; $this->table_aliases[] = $subquery_alias; $meta_compare_string_start = 'NOT EXISTS ('; $meta_compare_string_start .= "SELECT 1 FROM $wpdb->postmeta $subquery_alias "; $meta_compare_string_start .= "WHERE $subquery_alias.post_ID = $alias.post_ID "; $meta_compare_string_end = 'LIMIT 1'; $meta_compare_string_end .= ')'; } switch ( $meta_compare_key ) { case '=': case 'EXISTS': $where = $wpdb->prepare( "$alias.meta_key = %s", trim( $clause['key'] ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared break; case 'LIKE': $meta_compare_value = '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( trim( $clause['key'] ) ) . '%'; $where = $wpdb->prepare( "$alias.meta_key LIKE %s", $meta_compare_value ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared break; case 'IN': $meta_compare_string = "$alias.meta_key IN (" . substr( str_repeat( ',%s', count( $clause['key'] ) ), 1 ) . ')'; $where = $wpdb->prepare( $meta_compare_string, $clause['key'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared break; case 'RLIKE': case 'REGEXP': $operator = $meta_compare_key; if ( isset( $clause['type_key'] ) && 'BINARY' === strtoupper( $clause['type_key'] ) ) { $cast = 'BINARY'; } else { $cast = ''; } $where = $wpdb->prepare( "$alias.meta_key $operator $cast %s", trim( $clause['key'] ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared break; case '!=': case 'NOT EXISTS': $meta_compare_string = $meta_compare_string_start . "AND $subquery_alias.meta_key = %s " . $meta_compare_string_end; $where = $wpdb->prepare( $meta_compare_string, $clause['key'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared break; case 'NOT LIKE': $meta_compare_string = $meta_compare_string_start . "AND $subquery_alias.meta_key LIKE %s " . $meta_compare_string_end; $meta_compare_value = '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( trim( $clause['key'] ) ) . '%'; $where = $wpdb->prepare( $meta_compare_string, $meta_compare_value ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared break; case 'NOT IN': $array_subclause = '(' . substr( str_repeat( ',%s', count( $clause['key'] ) ), 1 ) . ') '; $meta_compare_string = $meta_compare_string_start . "AND $subquery_alias.meta_key IN " . $array_subclause . $meta_compare_string_end; $where = $wpdb->prepare( $meta_compare_string, $clause['key'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared break; case 'NOT REGEXP': $operator = $meta_compare_key; if ( isset( $clause['type_key'] ) && 'BINARY' === strtoupper( $clause['type_key'] ) ) { $cast = 'BINARY'; } else { $cast = ''; } $meta_compare_string = $meta_compare_string_start . "AND $subquery_alias.meta_key REGEXP $cast %s " . $meta_compare_string_end; $where = $wpdb->prepare( $meta_compare_string, $clause['key'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared break; } $sql_chunks['where'][] = $where; } } // meta_value. if ( array_key_exists( 'value', $clause ) ) { $meta_value = $clause['value']; if ( in_array( $meta_compare, array( 'IN', 'NOT IN', 'BETWEEN', 'NOT BETWEEN' ) ) ) { if ( ! is_array( $meta_value ) ) { $meta_value = preg_split( '/[,\s]+/', $meta_value ); } } else { $meta_value = trim( $meta_value ); } switch ( $meta_compare ) { case 'IN': case 'NOT IN': $meta_compare_string = '(' . substr( str_repeat( ',%s', count( $meta_value ) ), 1 ) . ')'; $where = $wpdb->prepare( $meta_compare_string, $meta_value ); break; case 'BETWEEN': case 'NOT BETWEEN': $where = $wpdb->prepare( '%s AND %s', $meta_value[0], $meta_value[1] ); break; case 'LIKE': case 'NOT LIKE': $meta_value = '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( $meta_value ) . '%'; $where = $wpdb->prepare( '%s', $meta_value ); break; // EXISTS with a value is interpreted as '='. case 'EXISTS': $meta_compare = '='; $where = $wpdb->prepare( '%s', $meta_value ); break; // 'value' is ignored for NOT EXISTS. case 'NOT EXISTS': $where = ''; break; default: $where = $wpdb->prepare( '%s', $meta_value ); break; } if ( $where ) { if ( 'CHAR' === $meta_type ) { $sql_chunks['where'][] = "$alias.meta_value {$meta_compare} {$where}"; } else { $sql_chunks['where'][] = "CAST($alias.meta_value AS {$meta_type}) {$meta_compare} {$where}"; } } } /* * Multiple WHERE clauses (for meta_key and meta_value) should * be joined in parentheses. */ if ( 1 < count( $sql_chunks['where'] ) ) { $sql_chunks['where'] = array( '( ' . implode( ' AND ', $sql_chunks['where'] ) . ' )' ); } return $sql_chunks; } /** * Get a flattened list of sanitized meta clauses. * * This array should be used for clause lookup, as when the table alias and CAST type must be determined for * a value of 'orderby' corresponding to a meta clause. * * @since 4.2.0 * * @return array Meta clauses. */ public function get_clauses() { return $this->clauses; } /** * Identify an existing table alias that is compatible with the current * query clause. * * We avoid unnecessary table joins by allowing each clause to look for * an existing table alias that is compatible with the query that it * needs to perform. * * An existing alias is compatible if (a) it is a sibling of `$clause` * (ie, it's under the scope of the same relation), and (b) the combination * of operator and relation between the clauses allows for a shared table join. * In the case of WP_Meta_Query, this only applies to 'IN' clauses that are * connected by the relation 'OR'. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param array $clause Query clause. * @param array $parent_query Parent query of $clause. * @return string|bool Table alias if found, otherwise false. */ protected function find_compatible_table_alias( $clause, $parent_query ) { $alias = false; foreach ( $parent_query as $sibling ) { // If the sibling has no alias yet, there's nothing to check. if ( empty( $sibling['alias'] ) ) { continue; } // We're only interested in siblings that are first-order clauses. if ( ! is_array( $sibling ) || ! $this->is_first_order_clause( $sibling ) ) { continue; } $compatible_compares = array(); // Clauses connected by OR can share joins as long as they have "positive" operators. if ( 'OR' === $parent_query['relation'] ) { $compatible_compares = array( '=', 'IN', 'BETWEEN', 'LIKE', 'REGEXP', 'RLIKE', '>', '>=', '<', '<=' ); // Clauses joined by AND with "negative" operators share a join only if they also share a key. } elseif ( isset( $sibling['key'] ) && isset( $clause['key'] ) && $sibling['key'] === $clause['key'] ) { $compatible_compares = array( '!=', 'NOT IN', 'NOT LIKE' ); } $clause_compare = strtoupper( $clause['compare'] ); $sibling_compare = strtoupper( $sibling['compare'] ); if ( in_array( $clause_compare, $compatible_compares ) && in_array( $sibling_compare, $compatible_compares ) ) { $alias = $sibling['alias']; break; } } /** * Filters the table alias identified as compatible with the current clause. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param string|bool $alias Table alias, or false if none was found. * @param array $clause First-order query clause. * @param array $parent_query Parent of $clause. * @param WP_Meta_Query $this WP_Meta_Query object. */ return apply_filters( 'meta_query_find_compatible_table_alias', $alias, $clause, $parent_query, $this ); } /** * Checks whether the current query has any OR relations. * * In some cases, the presence of an OR relation somewhere in the query will require * the use of a `DISTINCT` or `GROUP BY` keyword in the `SELECT` clause. The current * method can be used in these cases to determine whether such a clause is necessary. * * @since 4.3.0 * * @return bool True if the query contains any `OR` relations, otherwise false. */ public function has_or_relation() { return $this->has_or_relation; } } /** * kses 0.2.2 - HTML/XHTML filter that only allows some elements and attributes * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005 Ulf Harnhammar * * This program is free software and open source software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * [kses strips evil scripts!] * * Added wp_ prefix to avoid conflicts with existing kses users * * @version 0.2.2 * @copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005 * @author Ulf Harnhammar * * @package External * @subpackage KSES */ /** * Specifies the default allowable HTML tags. * * Using `CUSTOM_TAGS` is not recommended and should be considered deprecated. The * {@see 'wp_kses_allowed_html'} filter is more powerful and supplies context. * * @see wp_kses_allowed_html() * @since 1.2.0 * * @var array[]|bool Array of default allowable HTML tags, or false to use the defaults. */ if ( ! defined( 'CUSTOM_TAGS' ) ) { define( 'CUSTOM_TAGS', false ); } // Ensure that these variables are added to the global namespace // (e.g. if using namespaces / autoload in the current PHP environment). global $allowedposttags, $allowedtags, $allowedentitynames; if ( ! CUSTOM_TAGS ) { /** * KSES global for default allowable HTML tags. * * Can be overridden with the `CUSTOM_TAGS` constant. * * @var array[] $allowedposttags Array of default allowable HTML tags. * @since 2.0.0 */ $allowedposttags = array( 'address' => array(), 'a' => array( 'href' => true, 'rel' => true, 'rev' => true, 'name' => true, 'target' => true, 'download' => array( 'valueless' => 'y', ), ), 'abbr' => array(), 'acronym' => array(), 'area' => array( 'alt' => true, 'coords' => true, 'href' => true, 'nohref' => true, 'shape' => true, 'target' => true, ), 'article' => array( 'align' => true, 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'aside' => array( 'align' => true, 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'audio' => array( 'autoplay' => true, 'controls' => true, 'loop' => true, 'muted' => true, 'preload' => true, 'src' => true, ), 'b' => array(), 'bdo' => array( 'dir' => true, ), 'big' => array(), 'blockquote' => array( 'cite' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'br' => array(), 'button' => array( 'disabled' => true, 'name' => true, 'type' => true, 'value' => true, ), 'caption' => array( 'align' => true, ), 'cite' => array( 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, ), 'code' => array(), 'col' => array( 'align' => true, 'char' => true, 'charoff' => true, 'span' => true, 'dir' => true, 'valign' => true, 'width' => true, ), 'colgroup' => array( 'align' => true, 'char' => true, 'charoff' => true, 'span' => true, 'valign' => true, 'width' => true, ), 'del' => array( 'datetime' => true, ), 'dd' => array(), 'dfn' => array(), 'details' => array( 'align' => true, 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, 'open' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'div' => array( 'align' => true, 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'dl' => array(), 'dt' => array(), 'em' => array(), 'fieldset' => array(), 'figure' => array( 'align' => true, 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'figcaption' => array( 'align' => true, 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'font' => array( 'color' => true, 'face' => true, 'size' => true, ), 'footer' => array( 'align' => true, 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'h1' => array( 'align' => true, ), 'h2' => array( 'align' => true, ), 'h3' => array( 'align' => true, ), 'h4' => array( 'align' => true, ), 'h5' => array( 'align' => true, ), 'h6' => array( 'align' => true, ), 'header' => array( 'align' => true, 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'hgroup' => array( 'align' => true, 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'hr' => array( 'align' => true, 'noshade' => true, 'size' => true, 'width' => true, ), 'i' => array(), 'img' => array( 'alt' => true, 'align' => true, 'border' => true, 'height' => true, 'hspace' => true, 'longdesc' => true, 'vspace' => true, 'src' => true, 'usemap' => true, 'width' => true, ), 'ins' => array( 'datetime' => true, 'cite' => true, ), 'kbd' => array(), 'label' => array( 'for' => true, ), 'legend' => array( 'align' => true, ), 'li' => array( 'align' => true, 'value' => true, ), 'map' => array( 'name' => true, ), 'mark' => array(), 'menu' => array( 'type' => true, ), 'nav' => array( 'align' => true, 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'p' => array( 'align' => true, 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'pre' => array( 'width' => true, ), 'q' => array( 'cite' => true, ), 's' => array(), 'samp' => array(), 'span' => array( 'dir' => true, 'align' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'section' => array( 'align' => true, 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'small' => array(), 'strike' => array(), 'strong' => array(), 'sub' => array(), 'summary' => array( 'align' => true, 'dir' => true, 'lang' => true, 'xml:lang' => true, ), 'sup' => array(), 'table' => array( 'align' => true, 'bgcolor' => true, 'border' => true, 'cellpadding' => true, 'cellspacing' => true, 'dir' => true, 'rules' => true, 'summary' => true, 'width' => true, ), 'tbody' => array( 'align' => true, 'char' => true, 'charoff' => true, 'valign' => true, ), 'td' => array( 'abbr' => true, 'align' => true, 'axis' => true, 'bgcolor' => true, 'char' => true, 'charoff' => true, 'colspan' => true, 'dir' => true, 'headers' => true, 'height' => true, 'nowrap' => true, 'rowspan' => true, 'scope' => true, 'valign' => true, 'width' => true, ), 'textarea' => array( 'cols' => true, 'rows' => true, 'disabled' => true, 'name' => true, 'readonly' => true, ), 'tfoot' => array( 'align' => true, 'char' => true, 'charoff' => true, 'valign' => true, ), 'th' => array( 'abbr' => true, 'align' => true, 'axis' => true, 'bgcolor' => true, 'char' => true, 'charoff' => true, 'colspan' => true, 'headers' => true, 'height' => true, 'nowrap' => true, 'rowspan' => true, 'scope' => true, 'valign' => true, 'width' => true, ), 'thead' => array( 'align' => true, 'char' => true, 'charoff' => true, 'valign' => true, ), 'title' => array(), 'tr' => array( 'align' => true, 'bgcolor' => true, 'char' => true, 'charoff' => true, 'valign' => true, ), 'track' => array( 'default' => true, 'kind' => true, 'label' => true, 'src' => true, 'srclang' => true, ), 'tt' => array(), 'u' => array(), 'ul' => array( 'type' => true, ), 'ol' => array( 'start' => true, 'type' => true, 'reversed' => true, ), 'var' => array(), 'video' => array( 'autoplay' => true, 'controls' => true, 'height' => true, 'loop' => true, 'muted' => true, 'poster' => true, 'preload' => true, 'src' => true, 'width' => true, ), ); /** * @var array[] $allowedtags Array of KSES allowed HTML elements. * @since 1.0.0 */ $allowedtags = array( 'a' => array( 'href' => true, 'title' => true, ), 'abbr' => array( 'title' => true, ), 'acronym' => array( 'title' => true, ), 'b' => array(), 'blockquote' => array( 'cite' => true, ), 'cite' => array(), 'code' => array(), 'del' => array( 'datetime' => true, ), 'em' => array(), 'i' => array(), 'q' => array( 'cite' => true, ), 's' => array(), 'strike' => array(), 'strong' => array(), ); /** * @var string[] $allowedentitynames Array of KSES allowed HTML entitity names. * @since 1.0.0 */ $allowedentitynames = array( 'nbsp', 'iexcl', 'cent', 'pound', 'curren', 'yen', 'brvbar', 'sect', 'uml', 'copy', 'ordf', 'laquo', 'not', 'shy', 'reg', 'macr', 'deg', 'plusmn', 'acute', 'micro', 'para', 'middot', 'cedil', 'ordm', 'raquo', 'iquest', 'Agrave', 'Aacute', 'Acirc', 'Atilde', 'Auml', 'Aring', 'AElig', 'Ccedil', 'Egrave', 'Eacute', 'Ecirc', 'Euml', 'Igrave', 'Iacute', 'Icirc', 'Iuml', 'ETH', 'Ntilde', 'Ograve', 'Oacute', 'Ocirc', 'Otilde', 'Ouml', 'times', 'Oslash', 'Ugrave', 'Uacute', 'Ucirc', 'Uuml', 'Yacute', 'THORN', 'szlig', 'agrave', 'aacute', 'acirc', 'atilde', 'auml', 'aring', 'aelig', 'ccedil', 'egrave', 'eacute', 'ecirc', 'euml', 'igrave', 'iacute', 'icirc', 'iuml', 'eth', 'ntilde', 'ograve', 'oacute', 'ocirc', 'otilde', 'ouml', 'divide', 'oslash', 'ugrave', 'uacute', 'ucirc', 'uuml', 'yacute', 'thorn', 'yuml', 'quot', 'amp', 'lt', 'gt', 'apos', 'OElig', 'oelig', 'Scaron', 'scaron', 'Yuml', 'circ', 'tilde', 'ensp', 'emsp', 'thinsp', 'zwnj', 'zwj', 'lrm', 'rlm', 'ndash', 'mdash', 'lsquo', 'rsquo', 'sbquo', 'ldquo', 'rdquo', 'bdquo', 'dagger', 'Dagger', 'permil', 'lsaquo', 'rsaquo', 'euro', 'fnof', 'Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Delta', 'Epsilon', 'Zeta', 'Eta', 'Theta', 'Iota', 'Kappa', 'Lambda', 'Mu', 'Nu', 'Xi', 'Omicron', 'Pi', 'Rho', 'Sigma', 'Tau', 'Upsilon', 'Phi', 'Chi', 'Psi', 'Omega', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta', 'epsilon', 'zeta', 'eta', 'theta', 'iota', 'kappa', 'lambda', 'mu', 'nu', 'xi', 'omicron', 'pi', 'rho', 'sigmaf', 'sigma', 'tau', 'upsilon', 'phi', 'chi', 'psi', 'omega', 'thetasym', 'upsih', 'piv', 'bull', 'hellip', 'prime', 'Prime', 'oline', 'frasl', 'weierp', 'image', 'real', 'trade', 'alefsym', 'larr', 'uarr', 'rarr', 'darr', 'harr', 'crarr', 'lArr', 'uArr', 'rArr', 'dArr', 'hArr', 'forall', 'part', 'exist', 'empty', 'nabla', 'isin', 'notin', 'ni', 'prod', 'sum', 'minus', 'lowast', 'radic', 'prop', 'infin', 'ang', 'and', 'or', 'cap', 'cup', 'int', 'sim', 'cong', 'asymp', 'ne', 'equiv', 'le', 'ge', 'sub', 'sup', 'nsub', 'sube', 'supe', 'oplus', 'otimes', 'perp', 'sdot', 'lceil', 'rceil', 'lfloor', 'rfloor', 'lang', 'rang', 'loz', 'spades', 'clubs', 'hearts', 'diams', 'sup1', 'sup2', 'sup3', 'frac14', 'frac12', 'frac34', 'there4', ); $allowedposttags = array_map( '_wp_add_global_attributes', $allowedposttags ); } else { $allowedtags = wp_kses_array_lc( $allowedtags ); $allowedposttags = wp_kses_array_lc( $allowedposttags ); } /** * Filters text content and strips out disallowed HTML. * * This function makes sure that only the allowed HTML element names, attribute * names, attribute values, and HTML entities will occur in the given text string. * * This function expects unslashed data. * * @see wp_kses_post() for specifically filtering post content and fields. * @see wp_allowed_protocols() for the default allowed protocols in link URLs. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param string $string Text content to filter. * @param array[]|string $allowed_html An array of allowed HTML elements and attributes, or a * context name such as 'post'. * @param string[] $allowed_protocols Array of allowed URL protocols. * @return string Filtered content containing only the allowed HTML. */ function wp_kses( $string, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols = array() ) { if ( empty( $allowed_protocols ) ) { $allowed_protocols = wp_allowed_protocols(); } $string = wp_kses_no_null( $string, array( 'slash_zero' => 'keep' ) ); $string = wp_kses_normalize_entities( $string ); $string = wp_kses_hook( $string, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols ); return wp_kses_split( $string, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols ); } /** * Filters one HTML attribute and ensures its value is allowed. * * This function can escape data in some situations where `wp_kses()` must strip the whole attribute. * * @since 4.2.3 * * @param string $string The 'whole' attribute, including name and value. * @param string $element The HTML element name to which the attribute belongs. * @return string Filtered attribute. */ function wp_kses_one_attr( $string, $element ) { $uris = wp_kses_uri_attributes(); $allowed_html = wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' ); $allowed_protocols = wp_allowed_protocols(); $string = wp_kses_no_null( $string, array( 'slash_zero' => 'keep' ) ); // Preserve leading and trailing whitespace. $matches = array(); preg_match( '/^\s*/', $string, $matches ); $lead = $matches[0]; preg_match( '/\s*$/', $string, $matches ); $trail = $matches[0]; if ( empty( $trail ) ) { $string = substr( $string, strlen( $lead ) ); } else { $string = substr( $string, strlen( $lead ), -strlen( $trail ) ); } // Parse attribute name and value from input. $split = preg_split( '/\s*=\s*/', $string, 2 ); $name = $split[0]; if ( count( $split ) == 2 ) { $value = $split[1]; // Remove quotes surrounding $value. // Also guarantee correct quoting in $string for this one attribute. if ( '' == $value ) { $quote = ''; } else { $quote = $value[0]; } if ( '"' == $quote || "'" == $quote ) { if ( substr( $value, -1 ) != $quote ) { return ''; } $value = substr( $value, 1, -1 ); } else { $quote = '"'; } // Sanitize quotes, angle braces, and entities. $value = esc_attr( $value ); // Sanitize URI values. if ( in_array( strtolower( $name ), $uris ) ) { $value = wp_kses_bad_protocol( $value, $allowed_protocols ); } $string = "$name=$quote$value$quote"; $vless = 'n'; } else { $value = ''; $vless = 'y'; } // Sanitize attribute by name. wp_kses_attr_check( $name, $value, $string, $vless, $element, $allowed_html ); // Restore whitespace. return $lead . $string . $trail; } /** * Returns an array of allowed HTML tags and attributes for a given context. * * @since 3.5.0 * @since 5.0.1 `form` removed as allowable HTML tag. * * @global array $allowedposttags * @global array $allowedtags * @global array $allowedentitynames * * @param string|array $context The context for which to retrieve tags. Allowed values are 'post', * 'strip', 'data', 'entities', or the name of a field filter such as * 'pre_user_description'. * @return array Array of allowed HTML tags and their allowed attributes. */ function wp_kses_allowed_html( $context = '' ) { global $allowedposttags, $allowedtags, $allowedentitynames; if ( is_array( $context ) ) { /** * Filters the HTML that is allowed for a given context. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param array[]|string $context Context to judge allowed tags by. * @param string $context_type Context name. */ return apply_filters( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', $context, 'explicit' ); } switch ( $context ) { case 'post': /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/kses.php */ $tags = apply_filters( 'wp_kses_allowed_html', $allowedposttags, $context ); // 5.0.1 removed the `
` tag, allow it if a filter is allowing it's sub-elements `` or `