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Media: Take Pride
2017 »
The Art of Charm: Take Pride
Take Pride featured on The Art of Charm podcast
2016 »
Why Narcissism and Self-Esteem Aren't the Same Thing, According to Science
Healthy self-worth, or self-obsessed? There's a key difference you should know about, says Jessica Tracy, PhD, the author of Take Pride: Why the Deadliest Sin Holds the Secret to Human Success.
Get Yourself to Do Stuff by Appealing to Your Own Sense of Pride
A story at the start of Take Pride, a forthcoming book by University of British Columbia psychologist Jessica Tracy, is a typical one of youthful aimlessness, at least at first. Tracy writes about her post-college life in the late 1990s, when she moved across the country to San Francisco and got a job as a barista in a cozy cafe. It was a pleasant life, filled with lots of people to talk to and lots of time to read, along with few anxieties or responsibilities. But after about a year, she started missing something she’d had in college…
Are we proud of this article? Definitely.
Jess interviewed about Take Pride and Trump's hubris on Innovation Hub at NPR.
U.S. Presidential Campaign Offers a Study in Leadership Styles
For American voters and the rest of the world, the final weeks of the U.S presidential election campaign have become a spectacle to behold – or perhaps to turn away from.
For Jessica Tracy, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia, it’s a research opportunity like no other...
Why Pride is the Sin You Need to Succeed
Lust. Envy. Greed. Sloth. Anger. Gluttony. Those six deadly sins aren’t going to get you anywhere good—but the seventh just might. Pride is the sin you need to succeed, says Jessica Tracy in her new book Take Pride: Why the Deadliest Sin Holds the Secret to Human Success.
“There’s a misconception that pride is bad and should be avoided,” says the psych prof from University of British Columbia. “But it’s actually what motivates us and we wouldn’t be pushed to achieve without it.”...
Jessica Tracy
Outrageousness is Trump's trump card: Column
We don't like people who intimidate and belittle others, but we still give them power.
The Purpose of Human Pride: Why the 'Deadliest Sin' Holds the Key to Human Success
If we in the West consider ourselves highly evolved, why do we take so many blowhard politicians seriously, even when they’re spouting blatant untruths? In her search to uncover the evolutionary lineage—and potential social benefits—of pride, Tracy cites a study that shows five-year-olds will believe people who show self-belief and certainty, even when they’ve been proven wrong. Adults, when partially distracted, are just as gullible.
At a basic level, it seems, all of us are hard-wired to pay attention to people who display pride...
Talks at Google
Jess interviewed about Take Pride by Talks at Google
The 'Deadly Sin': The Positive and Negative Power of Pride
Jess interviewed about Take Pride on by Knowledge@Wharton, at the University of Pennsylvania
Donald Trump: A Case Study for Hubristic Pride
Jess interviewed about Take Pride and Trump's hubris on Tapestry, at CBC radio.
Taking Pride
Jess interviewed on All in the Mind on BBC radio.
The Power of Pride
Jess interviewed about Take Pride on Global News Morning Weekend
Why Pride is Good
It’s true that “hubristic pride” – when you feel pleased in your own abilities – can be
harmful and indicative of an inflated ego. But “authentic pride,” which is the satisfaction and pleasure we take from the positi
ve outcomes of our hard work and dedication, is an important, rewarding e
motion that encourages persistence. And for creatives going through a tough patch, feeling a lack of pride can be a useful indicator that you’re taking the wrong approach. In extreme cases, it might mean it’s time for you to change strategies, or even to take a new direction entirely...
The Power of Pride
Two Kinds of Pride
Jess interviewed about Take Pride on New Day Northwest, King 5 TV
Why Did People Vote for Donald Trump?
Nobody likes a bully. And yet, as exemplified by the recent US presidential election, bullies tend to accrue power.
Donald Trump got to the White House by angrily and aggressively attacking everyone who dared challenge him. He resorted to childish name-calling (“Little Marco,” “Crooked Hillary”), insulting women’s appearances, and mocking the disabled. Social and evolutionary psychology can help us understand why voters rewarded him for it...
Jessica Tracy on the Benefits of Pride
Take Pride featured on Curious Minds podcast.
The Science of Pride
Take Pride featured on Brainfluence podcast.
Pride as a Virtue
Take Pride featured on the Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC.
Exploring Pride, Confidence, and Success
Take Pride featured on Spark My Muse podcast.