Search Results for: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее

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Coverage of Pride and Prejudice: Feelings about the self influence judgments of others.

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Coverage of Pride and Prejudice: Feelings about the self influence judgments of others.

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Coverage of Pride and Prejudice: Feelings about the self influence judgments of others.

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Pride and Prejudice: Feelings about the self influence judgments of others.

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Coverage of Pride and Prejudice: Feelings about the self influence judgments of others.

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Coverage of Pride and Prejudice: Feelings about the self influence judgments of others.

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Coverage of Pride and prejudice: Feelings about the self influence judgments of others.

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Joey T. Cheng

I’m interested in the social functions of status hierarchies, the psychological, and, especially, emotional, underpinnings of leadership and followership (e.g., pride, humility, admiration, respect), and the implications of status hierarchies on individual motivation and collective performance.

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What happens in the lab…sometimes stays in the lab

At the risk of inundating loyal readers with navel-gazing fodder, I recommend Gregory Mitchell’s (2012, Perspectives on Psych Science) new article examining effect sizes within and outside of the lab. Mitchell surveyed 82 meta-analyses that directly compared effect sizes for…

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Aaron C. Weidman

Aaron studies individual differences in how people desire, forecast, and experience emotions.

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