Search Results for: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее

Keyword: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее »

Eric Mercadante

I am interested in how people with different personality traits navigate social hierarchies and the consequences of status-striving for both the person doing it and others in their lives. I am especially interested in how status-striving affects our emotions and self-concept, and…

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Calista Leung

Calista is a third year Psychology undergraduate, and has been part of the Emotion & Self Lab since the summer of 2017.

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Calista Leung

Calista is a third year Psychology undergraduate, and has been part of the Emotion & Self Lab since the summer of 2017.

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Runner’s Study

Click here to participate in a study examining runners’ feelings about their running performances.

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The evolution of pride and shame.

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Weidman and Tracy Affective Science

Which positive emotions do we experience as distinct? Now published at Affective Science: an empirically derived taxonomy of distinct, subjectively experienced, positive emotions.

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“Head-ing” towards a new understanding of face perception.

We make quick judgments about other people in all kinds of situations – interviewing a job candidate, walking down a dangerous alleyway, or meeting somebody at a bar, to name a few. When we make judgments about others, one of the first things that happens is that we focus our attention on the person’s face. This is not surprising, as the face contains information relevant to the judgments we want to make, information that can be helpful in answering questions such as: Is this person friendly? Does she like me? Is he competent?

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“Head-ing” towards a new understanding of face perception.

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Advances paper published

Our review of over a decade of work from the lab on pride and social hierarchy, now published at Advances in Experimental Social Psychology.

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How affect shapes status: Distinct emotional experiences and expressions facilitate social hierarchy navigation.

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