Search Results for: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее

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Emotional expression: Advances in basic emotion theory.

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Why Does Every Soccer Player Do This? Psychology Has the Answer.

Goals in soccer games can be few and far between, which helps explain the delirious nature of most scoring celebrations. Some players yank off their jerseys or drop to their knees and glide across the turf in glee. They all often…

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EHB paper in press

Check out our new paper for real-world evidence that status displays reduce, rather than increase, the amount of financial aid needy individuals receive. Supporting Trivers’ model of reciprocal altruism, generous folks bias their efforts toward those who convey greater need.

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Why Does Every Soccer Player Do This? Psychology Has the Answer.

Goals in soccer games can be few and far between, which helps explain the delirious nature of most scoring celebrations. Some players yank off their jerseys or drop to their knees and glide across the turf in glee. They all often…

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Why Does Every Soccer Player Do This? Psychology Has the Answer.

Goals in soccer games can be few and far between, which helps explain the delirious nature of most scoring celebrations. Some players yank off their jerseys or drop to their knees and glide across the turf in glee. They all often…

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The evolution of pride and shame.

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Evolution of pride and shame.

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Evolution of pride and shame

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The psychological structure of humility.

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Power posing might make people less willing to help you when asking for charitable donations

So-called “power posing” could backfire if you’re seeking a donation. New research in Evolution and Human Behavior indicates that expansive postural displays — like standing up straight with your shoulders pushed back — can dissuade charitable giving. “We have studied nonverbal displays…

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