Search Results for: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее

Keyword: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее »

Joey SPSP 2018 talk

Joey Cheng, Dominance and prestige: Debates, misunderstandings, and new evidence. In the symposium, “An Integrative Perspective on Social Rank.” SPSP, March, 2018 Atlanta, GA

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Zak SPSP NV Behavior Pre-con talk

Zak Witkower, Two signals of social rank: Prestige and dominance are associated with distinct nonverbal displays. Nonverbal Behavior Pre-Conference, SPSP Atlanta, GA March, 2018

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Jess Sauder talk 2018

Jess Tracy, Pride, Status Signalling, and the Emotional Underpinnings of Hierarchy Sauder School of Business, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Division, UBC January 19, 2018

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Jess APS Chaired Symposium

Jess Tracy, Chair, “30 years of affective science in the Bay Area: A look at how far we’ve come, and where we should go next“ Invited symposium featuring talks from Bob Levenson, Ann Kring, Dacher Keltner, Barbara Fredrickson, James Gross, and…

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Zak SPSP 2018 talk

Zak Witkower, The Illusion of a Facial Action Unit: How Head Pitch Rotation Influences Perceptions of Dominance from an Inactive Face. In the symposium, “Faces in Social and Personality Psychology,” SPSP, March 2018. Atlanta, GA.

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Zak SPSP NV Behavior Pre-con talk

Zak Witkower, Two signals of social rank: Prestige and dominance are associated with distinct nonverbal displays Nonverbal Behavior Pre-Conference, SPSP Atlanta, GA March, 2018

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Jess APS Chaired Symposium

Jess Tracy, Chair, 30 years of affective science in the Bay Area: A look at how far we’ve come, and where we should go next. Invited symposium featuring talks from Bob Levenson, Ann Kring, Dacher Keltner, Barbara Fredrickson, James Gross, and…

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Jess APS Chaired Symposium

Tracy, J. L., Chair, “30 years of affective science in the Bay Area: A look at how far we’ve come, and where we should go next“ Invited symposium featuring talks from Bob Levenson, Ann Kring, Dacher Keltner, Barbara Fredrickson, James…

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Jess APS talk

Jess Tracy, Hot shit/piece of shit: The directly opposing impact of pride displays on social judgments and decision-making. In the symposium, “The Self-Conscious Emotions: Theory, Data, and Open Questions.” APS, May, 2018 San Francisco, CA  

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Jess APS talk

Jess Tracy, “Hot shit/piece of shit: The directly opposing impact of pride displays on social judgments and decision-making”. In the symposium, “The Self-Conscious Emotions: Theory, Data, and Open Questions”. Association for Psychological Science San Francisco, CA May, 2018

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