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Are we proud of this article? Definitely.

Jess interviewed about Take Pride and Trump’s hubris on Innovation Hub at NPR. Click here to listen »

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Are we proud of this article? Definitely.

Jess interviewed about Take Pride and Trump’s hubris on Innovation Hub. Click here to listen »

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Why Pride is the Sin You Need to Succeed

Lust. Envy. Greed. Sloth. Anger. Gluttony. Those six deadly sins aren’t going to get you anywhere good—but the seventh just might. Pride is the sin you need to succeed, says Jessica Tracy in her new book Take Pride: Why the Deadliest…

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Why Pride is the Sin You Need to Succeed

Lust. Envy. Greed. Sloth. Anger. Gluttony. Those six deadly sins aren’t going to get you anywhere good—but the seventh just might. Pride is the sin you need to succeed, says Jessica Tracy in her new book Take Pride: Why the Deadliest…

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Why Pride is the Sin You Need to Succeed

Lust. Envy. Greed. Sloth. Anger. Gluttony. Those six deadly sins aren’t going to get you anywhere good—but the seventh just might. Pride is the sin you need to succeed, says Jessica Tracy in her new book Take Pride: Why the Deadliest…

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Psyc 305A: Personality

Welcome to the website for Psyc305A Section 901, Personality Psychology. You will find all kinds of useful course information here, including slides from lectures (posted shortly after class), exam grades (posted as soon as available after exams), and the syllabus…

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The Power of Pride

Jess interviewed about Take Pride on Global News Morning Weekend Click here to watch  »

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The Power of Pride

Jess interviewed about Take Pride on Global News Morning Weekend Click here to watch  »

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Psyc 305A: Personality

Welcome to the website for Psyc305A Section 901, Personality Psychology. You will find all kinds of useful course information here, including slides from lectures (posted shortly after class), exam grades (posted as soon as available after exams), and the syllabus…

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The ‘Deadly Sin’: The Positive and Negative Power of Pride

Jess interviewed about Take Pride on by Knowledge@Wharton, at the University of Pennsylvania Click here to listen  »

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