Search Results for: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее

Keyword: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее »

Annual Review paper published

Our review of over a decade of work from the lab on pride and social hierarchy, now published at Annual Review of Psychology.

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The viability and validity of authentic and hubristic pride: Commentary on Dickens and Murphy (in press).

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Beyond the fearful ape hypothesis: Humans are also supplicating and appeasing apes.

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Zak JEPG in press

Now in press at JEP:G: Studies led by Zak Witkower show that the dominance nonverbal display is reliably recognized as dominance (and not confused with prestige) by indigenous people in the Mayagna tribe in Nicaragua and by Canadian children as…

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Zak JEPG in press

Now in press at JEP:G: Studies led by Zak Witkower show that the dominance nonverbal display is reliably recognized as dominance (and not confused with prestige) by indigenous people in the Mayagna tribe in Nicaragua and by Canadian children as…

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Nonverbal displays of dominance and prestige: Evidence for cross-cultural and early emerging recognition.

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Pride: The emotional foundation of social rank attainment.

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Emotions Do Reliably Co-Occur With Predicted Facial Signals: Comment on Durán and Fernandez-Dols (2021)

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Eric greed JP in press

Now at Journal of Personality: Eric Mercadante and Jess Tracy’s paper demonstrating that greedy acquisition may be motivated by a desire for pride.

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Eric greed JP in press

Now in press at Journal of Personality: Eric Mercadante and Jess Tracy’s paper demonstrating that greedy acquisition may be motivated by a desire for pride.

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