Search Results for: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее

Keyword: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее »

Listen, Follow Me: Dynamic Vocal Signals of Dominance Predict Emergent Social Rank in Humans

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Shamed into taking a drink? Nonverbal displays of shame predict relapse and worsening health among recovering alcoholics.

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Listen, Follow Me: Dynamic Vocal Signals of Dominance Predict Emergent Social Rank in Humans

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Listen, Follow Me: Dynamic Vocal Signals of Dominance Predict Emergent Social Rank in Humans

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Joey JEP: Gen paper in press

New research from Joey Cheng, Jess Tracy, Simon Ho, and Joe Henrich shows that dynamic shifts in vocal pitch, naturally occurring in the early moments of a social interaction, influence emergent rank outcomes. Read the paper, now published at JEP:General,…

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New book forthcoming Sept 2016

New book forthcoming Sept 2016 Pre-order Your Copy Now »

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New book forthcoming Sept 2016

New book forthcoming Sept 2016 Preorder Your Copy Now »

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New book forthcoming Sept 2016

New book forthcoming Sept 2016 Preorder Your Copy Now >>

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New book forthcoming Sept 2016

New book forthcoming Sept 2016 Preorder Your Copy Now >>

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New book forthcoming Sept 2016

New book forthcoming Sept 2016 Preorder Your Copy Now >>

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