Search Results for: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее

Keyword: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее »

Lecture 1

Lecture 1

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Psyc 305A: Personality

Welcome to the website for Psyc305A Section 901, Personality Psychology. You will find all kinds of useful course information here, including slides from lectures (posted shortly after class), exam grades (posted as soon as available after exams), and the course…

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Psyc 305A: Personality

Welcome to the website for Psyc305A Section 901, Personality Psychology. You will find all kinds of useful course information here, including slides from lectures (posted shortly after class), exam grades (posted as soon as available after exams), and the syllabus…

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Psyc 305A: Personality

Welcome to the website for Psyc305A Section 901, Personality Psychology. You will find all kinds of useful course information here, including slides from lectures (posted shortly after class), exam grades (posted as soon as available after exams), and personality syllabus…

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Psyc 305A: Personality

Welcome to the website for Psyc305A Section 901, Personality Psychology. You will find all kinds of useful course information here, including slides from lectures (posted shortly after class), exam grades (posted as soon as available after exams), and the syllabus…

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Psyc 305A: Personality

Welcome to the website for Psyc305A Section 901, Personality Psychology. You will find all kinds of useful course information here, including slides from lectures (posted shortly after class), exam grades (posted as soon as available after exams), and the syllabusfor…

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Gordon Heltzel

My research focuses on the topics you’re not supposed to talk about at the dinner table: morality (especially moral emotions), politics, and religion. I’m co-supervised by Dr. Jessica Tracy and Dr. Kristin Laurin. My research with Jess investigates the role…

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Gordon Heltzel

My research focuses on the topics you’re not supposed to talk about at the dinner table: morality (especially moral emotions), politics, and religion. I’m co-supervised by Dr. Jessica Tracy and Dr. Kristin Laurin. My research with Jess investigates the role…

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Eric Mercadante

I am interested in how people with different personality traits navigate social hierarchies and the consequences of status-striving for both the person doing it and others in their lives. I am especially interested in how status-striving affects our emotions and self-concept, and…

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Eric Mercadante

My research interests concern how individuals navigate status hierarchies in order to achieve desirable positions within social groups. I am interested in the similarities and differences between power and status, their unique psychological antecedents and consequences, and the relevant behaviors…

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