Search Results for: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее

Keyword: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее »

Matthew Gervais

My work investigates human emotions from an evolutionary anthropological perspective. I’m particularly interested in the psychological bases of derived (and possibly unique) forms of human social behavior, including sharing, punishment, and tolerance, as these scale out to social relationships and…

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Matthew Gervais

My work investigates human emotions from an evolutionary anthropological perspective. I’m particularly interested in the psychological bases of derived (and possibly unique) forms of human social behavior, including sharing, punishment, and tolerance, as these scale out to social relationships and…

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Matthew Gervais

My work investigates human emotions from an evolutionary anthropological perspective. I’m particularly interested in the psychological bases of derived (and possibly unique) forms of human social behavior, including sharing, punishment, and tolerance, as these scale out to social relationships and…

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Matthew Gervais

My work investigates human emotions from an evolutionary anthropological perspective. I’m particularly interested in the psychological bases of derived (and possibly unique) forms of human social behavior, including sharing, punishment, and tolerance, as these scale out to social relationships and…

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Matthew Gervais

My work investigates human emotions from an evolutionary anthropological perspective. I’m particularly interested in the psychological bases of derived (and possibly unique) forms of human social behavior, including sharing, punishment, and tolerance, as these scale out to social relationships and…

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Matthew Gervais

My work investigates human emotions from an evolutionary anthropological perspective. I’m particularly interested in the psychological bases of derived (and possibly unique) forms of human social behavior, including sharing, punishment, and tolerance, as these scale out to social relationships and…

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Emotions and Morality

In this line of work, led by Conor Steckler, we are examining how (and why) emotions influence moral judgment.

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Nonverbal communication of Dominance and Prestige

his line of research, led by Zak Witkower, examines the nonverbal behaviors used communicate high rank in the form of dominance and prestige

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Nonverbal communication of Dominance and Prestige

his line of research, led by Zak Witkower, examines the nonverbal behaviors used communicate high rank in the form of dominance and prestige

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Integrating Distinct Emotions and Fundamental Motives

Fundamental motivational systems and distinct emotions have both been suggested to be critically involved in the coordinated orchestration of suites of behaviors, cognitions, and physiological responses to recurrent adaptive challenges in our evolutionary history.

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