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Aaron APS 2014 talk

Aaron Weidman, “The jingle and jangle of emotion assessment: Imprecise measurement, casual scale usage, and conceptual fuzziness in emotion research” in the symposium, “What are we really measuring? Complex conceptualizations and imprecise measurement of social-personality constructs,” co-chaired by Aaron and Jess.…

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Dan spsp data blitz 2013

Dan Randles, “Shamed into taking a drink? Shame displays predict likelihood of relapse among recovering alcoholics”. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention Data Blitz, Austin, TX. February, 2014.

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Narcissism and vulnerability

Joey Cheng, Jess Tracy, and Greg Miller show that narcissists reveal physiological fragility (i.e., higher levels of two biomarkers of stress) in the face of daily distresses, consistent with the fragile ego account of narcissism. Read the paper, now published…

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