Search Results for: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее

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“Head-ing” towards a new understanding of face perception.

We make quick judgments about other people in all kinds of situations – interviewing a job candidate, walking down a dangerous alleyway, or meeting somebody at a bar, to name a few. When we make judgments about others, one of the first things that happens is that we focus our attention on the person’s face. This is not surprising, as the face contains information relevant to the judgments we want to make, information that can be helpful in answering questions such as: Is this person friendly? Does she like me? Is he competent?

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The Action-Unit Imposter Effect

Check out media coverage of our recent paper, published in Psychological Science, showing that a downward head tilt leads to increased perceptions of dominance, due to illusory facial muscle activity.

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The Action-Unit Imposter Effect

Check out media coverage of our recent paper, published in Psychological Science, showing that a downward head tilt leads to increased perceptions of dominance, due to illusory facial muscle activity.

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The Action-Unit Imposter Effect: Downward head tilt increases perceptions of dominance, due to the illusion of facial movement

See media coverage of our recent Psychological Science paper here.

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The Action-Unit Imposter Effect

Check out media coverage of our recent paper, published in Psychological Science, showing that a downward head tilt leads to increased perceptions of dominance, due to illusory facial muscle activity.

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Tilting your head down may convey perceptions of dominance!

One of our PhD candidates, Zak Witkower, recently garnered much media attention after publishing his paper with Jess in Psychological Science! To find out more, check out the links below.

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A Facial-Action Imposter: Tilting your head down may convey perceptions of dominance!

One of our PhD candidates, Zak Witkower, recently garnered much media attention after publishing his paper with Jess in Psychological Science! To find out more, check out the links below.

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A Facial-Action Imposter: Tilting your head down may convey perceptions of dominance!

One of our PhD candidates, Zak Witkower, recently garnered much media attention after publishing his paper along with Jess in Psychological Science! Find out more in the links below.

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Picture this. You’re sitting in a job interview talking to someone who will help determine whether or not you get the job. They start asking you about something on your resume – a project you’re particularly proud of, one that…

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Harnessing the Power of Emotions

When we understand how our emotions work — and how they can trick us for both good and bad outcomes — we can turn them into superpowers. This panel of researchers and practitioners explores intriguing ways to think about emotions and reveals keys to successfully navigate our inner lives.

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