Search Results for: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее

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What basic emotion theory really says for the 21st Century study of emotion.

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Assessing personality across 13 countries using the California Adult Q-Set.

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Assessing personality across 13 countries using the California Adult Q-Set.

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Holly Engstrom

Holly is a second-year MA student working primarily in Dr. Kristin Laurin’s MAGIC lab. Holly is interested in socioeconomic status and social hierarchies more generally. She is especially interested in how someone’s status within a hierarchy, or their perceptions of…

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Draft created on February 6, 2019 at 10:37 pm

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Holly Engstrom

Holly is a second-year MA student working primarily in Dr. Kristin Laurin’s MAGIC lab. Holly is interested in socioeconomic status and social hierarchies more generally. She is especially interested in how someone’s status within a hierarchy, or their perceptions of…

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Taking ginger pills can make disgusting ideas more palatable.

Your gut feelings really do shape what you think Francesco Carta / Getty By Sam Wong We often say our sense of morality is guided by our gut feelings – and this may be truer than we realise. A set of experiments using…

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Zak Witkower

I research how nonverbal behaviors (e.g., facial expressions and body movements) are used to express and interpret emotion, personality, and social status. Recently, I have been exploring whether distinct nonverbal behaviors are associated with distinct forms of social rank, along…

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Taking ginger pills can make disgusting ideas more palatable.

Your gut feelings really do shape what you think Francesco Carta / Getty By Sam Wong We often say our sense of morality is guided by our gut feelings – and this may be truer than we realise. A set of experiments using…

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