Search Results for: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее

Keyword: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее »

Taking ginger pills can make disgusting ideas more palatable.

Your gut feelings really do shape what you think Francesco Carta / Getty By Sam Wong We often say our sense of morality is guided by our gut feelings – and this may be truer than we realise. A set of experiments using…

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Zak JPSP in press

Our new paper – led by Zak Witkower- providing the first evidence for distinct nonverbal displays of dominance and prestige now in press at JPSP!

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Zak JPSP in press

Our new paper (led by Zak Witkower) providing the first evidence for distinct nonverbal displays of dominance and prestige now in press at JPSP!

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Two signals of social rank: Prestige and dominance are associated with distinct nonverbal displays.

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Zak Witkower

I research how nonverbal behaviors (e.g., facial expressions and body movements) are used to express and interpret emotion, personality, and social status. Recently, I have been exploring whether distinct nonverbal behaviors are associated with distinct forms of social rank, along…

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Zak Witkower

I research how nonverbal behaviors (e.g., facial expressions and body movements) are used to express and interpret emotion, personality, and social status. Recently, I have been exploring whether distinct nonverbal behaviors are associated with distinct forms of social rank, along…

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Zak Witkower

I research how nonverbal behaviors (e.g., facial expressions and body movements) are used to express and interpret emotion, personality, and social status. Recently, I have been exploring whether distinct nonverbal behaviors are associated with distinct forms of social rank, along…

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Calista Leung

Calista is a third year Psychology undergraduate, and has been part of the Emotion & Self Lab since the summer of 2017.

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EHB paper published

Check out our paper just published at Evolution and Human Behavior for real-world evidence that status displays reduce, rather than increase, the amount of financial aid needy individuals receive. Supporting Trivers’ model of reciprocal altruism, generous folks bias their efforts…

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Ginger paper in press

Pharmacologically inhibiting physiological disgust (i.e., nausea) reduces the severity of moral judgments in the purity domain. Check out our paper, now published at JPSP.

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