Search Results for: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее

Keyword: Как лучше начать разговор с парнем детальнее »

Aaron C. Weidman

Aaron studies individual differences in how people desire, forecast, and experience emotions.

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Aaron C. Weidman

Aaron studies individual differences in how people desire, forecast, and experience emotions.

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Aaron C. Weidman

Aaron studies individual differences in how people desire, forecast, and experience emotions.

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Weidman, A. C. & Tracy, J. L. (2017). Is humility a sentiment? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, E251. [commentary]

Weidman, A. C. & Tracy, J. L. (2017). Is humility a sentiment? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, E251. [commentary]

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Weidman, A. C., Sun, J., Vazire, S., Quoidbach, J., Ungar, L. H., & Dunn, E. W. (in press). (Not) hearing happiness: Predicting fluctuations in happy mood from acoustic cues using machine learning. Emotion.

Weidman, A. C., Sun, J., Vazire, S., Quoidbach, J., Ungar, L. H., & Dunn, E. W. (in press). (Not) hearing happiness: Predicting fluctuations in happy mood from acoustic cues using machine learning. Emotion.

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Jess NV Behavior Pre-con

Jess Tracy, “The Form, Function, and Adaptive Nature of the Pride and Shame Nonverbal Displays” Keynote Address, SPSP Pre-conference on Nonverbal Behavior February 7th, 2019 Portland, OR  

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Zak SPSP NV Behavior Pre-con talk 2019

Zak Witkower, It’s all in your head: Head position changes the perception of facial expressions of emotion Nonverbal Behavior Pre-Conference, SPSP Portland, OR February 7, 2019

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Jeff Markusoff

Jeff is an award-winning (unofficial-internal award) lab manager, who since 2008 has been coordinating all research projects and research assistants involved in the Emotion and Self Lab.

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Zak nonverbal precon 2019

Zak Witkower, “It’s all in your head: Head position changes the perception of facial expressions of emotion.” Talk to be presented at the SPSP Preconference on Nonverbal Behavior February 8th, 2019 Portland, OR

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Zak NV Behavior Pre-Con 2019

Zak Witkower, “It’s all in your head: Head position changes the perception of facial expressions of emotion.” Talk at the SPSP Pre-conference on Nonverbal Behavior February 8th, 2019 Portland, OR  

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